Environmental Policy

Premier Impressions continually strives to improve its environmental and social performance and to help contribute to a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for future generations.

We aim to:

  • Minimise our consumption of resources and raw materials.
  • Seek to minimise emissions and reduce energy consumption.
  • Seek to minimise waste from our activities and recycle wherever possible.
  • Endeavour to purchase from suppliers who share our concern for the environment and wherever possible purchase and use recyclable products or products from sustainable sources.
  • Exercise a positive influence within the industry through our awareness raising and behaviour change activities.

We will do this by:

  • Complying with and wherever possible exceed all relevant environmental legislation.
  • Continue to integrate environmental aims into the business planning process for ongoing improvement.
  • Identifying any of our activities that may detrimentally impact on society and the environment and developing programmes to minimise these impacts.
  • Using natural resources efficiently, minimising waste and harmful releases to the environment meeting or exceeding requirements of relevant rules and regulations.
  • Raising awareness of environmental and social issues with staff, partners and suppliers, who we will seek to influence to adopt similar policies.
  • Actively communicating with employees on our environment aims into the business planning process for ongoing improvement.